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Williams Elementary Mental Health Resources

              Georgetown ISD has several mental health resources to support students.  Your child's school counselor is the first responder on campus for mental health needs.  School counselors are available to meet with students to address concerns presented in the classroom, on campus, or at home (parent referral).  When the presenting level of need becomes more significant, there are other resources available to provide support.

School Based Therapy (SBT) is provided by licensed therapists within the district to students requiring a substantial level of support, and is available by referral.

School Based Therapy               

Virtual Calming room

The GISD Department of Guidance and Wellness has created a Virtual Calming Room available to be used by parents, students, and staff. All of us at some time will need to take a step back from whatever it is we are working on and make sure we are taking care of our well-being. The Virtual Calming Room has a variety of relaxation and refocusing activities, all just a click away!  One example includes taking a virtual vacation to the San Diego Zoo via their live webcam.

Check it out!